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9.0 업데이트 내용
Update 9.0 - Live Now!
Hey there Portians!
Update 9.0 is here, bringing with it new content, bug fixes and more!
The first thing you should notice with the new build is our work on optimization. All players should see an improvement in their frame rate and how the game runs on their system.
This is great because it means you'll get an even smoother experience when playing the new content we’ve added!
The reason you’ve been waiting slightly longer for this update is because we’ve been working on a lot of new content to bring to Portia:
- A brand-new area to explore, including new buildings.
- New story missions
- New side missions
- New monsters
- New dungeons
- New characters
- New items/weapons
- A Martial Arts Tournament
- Updates to existing events such as Land Run and the Day of Memories Festival.
- Even more activities!
The Portia Land Run
As many of you know, the Portia Land Run occurs every autumn in Portia following its addition in the previous update. Following its release, we felt that the Land Run had its limitations due to the player only being available to race against the clock, rather than other NPCs. But not anymore! We’ve added in racing against three other NPCs to make the event a lot more competitive. The original time attack race mode is still playable for Portians whose goal is purely to get the best time.
During the multi-character race, racers will be able to use items to increase their speed and add to stamina. May the best Portian win!
Day of Memories Tweak
If you’ve already tried the Day of Memories Festival, then you’ll remember that the event asked the player to go around the city of Portia collecting Ghost Badges. This time, we’ve added in a few more interesting gameplay mechanics.
- New Ghost Badges will appear in the city every 30 seconds, they’ll be marked on the map for the player and NPCs to see!
- We have added ‘ghosts’ to the game, they’ll appear randomly to scare folks, if you don’t dodge them, you’ll be stunned for a bit. Spooky!
- Everyone will be armed with the Scare Soaker, a gun that can stun people for 3 seconds! You can use it, but so can NPCs.
This should make things a little more interesting!
We know we’re a little late with this build and we’re sorry to have kept you waiting, but it’s here, and we hope you enjoy it!
There’s a lot more content we haven’t spoken about for you to discover in this update and we can’t wait to hear what you think of it!
Be sure to let us know what you think of the new content and tweaks here on the Steam forum. If you encounter a bug, please send us an email, or leave us a post on the ‘Report a Problem’ sub-forum. Happy gaming everyone!
Change List
The full change list can be found below:
(눈에 띄는 사항들만 대충 번역해봤습니다)
- Added the new story quest 'Finding the All Source.'
: Finding the All Source 스토리 미션 추가
- Added a new storyline for Emily.
: 에밀리 관련 스토리라인 추가
- Added new shop in south station where players can exchange their products into gols.
: 남부 구역에 상점 추가
- Players can now assign commissions to the civil corps. They'll help you collect items from monsters.
: 도시 경비대에게 몬스터로부터 아이템을 수집하는 의뢰를 맡길 수 있게 되었다네요
- Added search function for material sources.
: 재료 검색 기능 추가 (미확인)
- Added two new outfits.
: 의상 2종류 추가
- Added new, advanced weapons.
: 고급 무기 추가
- Added four new hairstyles.
: 머리스타일 4종류 추가
- Added a new workshop appearance.
: 공방 외관 추가
- Added more furnitures in exchange store.
: 교환 상점에 가구 추가 (미확인)
- Added cornball and apple tree.
: 콘볼 및 사과나무 추가 (미확인)
- Added feather duster, so that players can pet multiple animals at the same time.
: 깃털 빗자루 추가로 동시에 여러마리 동물을 쓰다듬을 수 있다고 합니다
- Added floor cleaner, so that players can dismiss all the floorings and furnitures in a certain area.
: 바닥 청소기 추가로 바닥재 및 가구 배치를 해제할 수 있다고 합니다 (미확인)
- Added guide for revise and ride hunting.
- Added a function that enables NPCs to ask for a date.
: NPC가 먼저 데이트 신청을 할수도 있게 되었다는듯
- The indoor area of Happy Appartments is now open!
: 행복 아파트의 내부 공간이 개방되었다네요 (미확인)
- Several NPCs now have their own facial expressions.
- Added name-change item for pets.
: 애완동물 이름 변경이 가능한 아이템 추가
- Added feedback voices after petting animals.
- The picture in the album can be replaced.
: 사진 앨범 안의 사진들을 재배치할 수 있다는듯
- Added sound effect for petting chicks and ducks.
- Added maps for several houses.
- Added maps for dungeons.
: 몇몇 집과 던전을 위한 지도 추가 (미확인)
- Added photo shoot event when riding a hot air balloon during a date.
: 열기구 동승 데이트시 사진 촬영 이벤트 추가
- Added more sound effects.
- Added new in-game activity - Martial Arts Tournament.This occurs on the 12th and 13th of Feburary.
: 마샬 아츠 대회 추가. 2월 12일~13일에 열린다네요
- Added new in-game activity - Snowball fight. This occurs on the 12th and 13th of April.
: 눈싸움 추가. 4월 12일~13일에 열린다네요
- Added new reaction when monsters get hit.
- Added new influence mechanic for the social network,
it will effect a products' selling price in Yeye's shop, as well as the commissions' reward to the civil corps.
: NPC와의 관계로 영향을 받게되는 요소들을 추가했다는듯
(예를 들면 예예의 상점에 아이템 판매시 가격이라던가 경비대로부터 의뢰 보상이라던가..)
- Your spouse, who can help you with farming, can now also help you pet animals.
: 배우자나 애완동물이 작물 재배에 도움을 줄수도 있다네요
- Added new commissions that require more items to complete. Added new types of commissions that can increase the favor points.
: 보다 많은 종류의 아이템을 요구하는 의뢰가 추가되었고, 이 의뢰들은 인기도를 증가시켜 준다네요
- When Higgins get his daily commission, his workshop reputation point increases.
: 히긴스가 일일 의뢰를 가져갈 경우 그의 공방 평판이 증가한다고 합니다 (응? 전에는 안그랬나;;)
- Added button "play again" in several mini-games (playing dart, roping, and shooting balloons).
: 몇몇 미니게임에 재시도 버튼이 추가 되었다네요 (다트 턴테이블, 올가미 던지기, 풍선 맞추기 등)
- Added three new dungeons with monsters inside.
: 새 몬스터가 추가된 3개의 던전 추가
- Added elite monsters: Flurpee, Balloon Urchin; Monsters in The Somber Marsh: Glorycroc, Piggyback Frog
: 엘리트 몬스터 추가 (Flurpee, Ballon Urchin, Glorycroc, Piggyback Frog 등)
- Adjusted the appearance inside the AG construction company, news press, Happy Appartment, Gale's house, Alice's house and Arlo's house.
: 몇몇 건물들의 내부 모습 변경 (A&G 건축사무소, 포샤 타임즈, 행복 아파트, 게일의 집, 앨리스의 집, 알로의 집)
- You can now interact with NPCs while you're walking.
- Added three new NPCs and fighting postures.
: NPC 3명 추가 및 전투자세(?) 추가
- Added background music and sound effect for several cutscenes.
- Added sound of footsteps in dungeons.
- Adjusted the UI when holding items, and added items' name in the UI.
- Added settings for saturation.
: 채도 설정이 가능하도록 추가
- The system will now automatically take a screenshot during cutscenes.
If players skip the cutscene, then they will not be shown in the screenshot.
If players didn't skip the cutscene, then players will be shown in the screenshot.
: 컷신에서 자동으로 스크린샷이 찍히도록 시스템 변경 (컷신을 스킵하지 않을 경우에만 해당되는듯)
- Fishing can increase the experience point.
: 낚시로 얻는 경험치 증가
- Added button "play again" after fishing.
: 낚시 후 재시도 버튼 추가
- Added new wallpapers and floorings.
: 벽지와 바닥재 추가
- Added more items for players to inspect.
: 주말 검사를 위한 아이템 종류 추가
- Changed the rule of "Attempt to find item" in Day of Memories.
: Day of Memories 축제에서 아이템을 찾는 방식이 바뀌었다는듯 (미확인)
- Added Scraps related achievements and the achievements when taking adventures in the haunted cave,
attempting to find items in the Day of Memories, fishing contest, and lighting the fireworks.
: 새로 추가된 축제들과 관련된 업적이 추가 되었다는듯
- Adjusted the reward UI interface. It will display items' name.
: 보상 관련 인터페이스에 아이템 이름이 표시되도록 변경
- Added a switch for turning on/off the snow & rain effect.
: 눈/비 효과 켜고 끄기가 가능하도록 추가
- If your relationship with NPC has reached friend or above, then this NPC's location will show up on the map.
: NPC와의 관계가 친구 이상일 경우 지도에 위치가 표시된다고 하네요
- Added extra icon animation in the portrait in the social page when the relationship with NPC has reached lover.
: NPC와의 관계가 연인일 경우 소셜 페이지의 초상화에 움직이는 아이콘이 추가된다는듯
- The factory will now return all the materials when crafting is canceled.
: 공장에서 생산을 취소할 경우 재료를 100% 되돌려준다는듯 (전에는 안그랬나봐요..)
- Optimized the running of the game.
- Adjusted the price of several products.
: 몇몇 생산품 가격 재조정
- Adjusted the recipe of crafting. Decreased the required items.
: 제작법 재조정 (필요 아이템이 감소)
- Adjusted the unlock requirement for "Well-rounded Workshop" and "Science Power".
: Well-rounded Workshop 와 Science Power 잠금해제 조건 재조정
- Increased the money Gust will send to playsers after marrying him.
: 거스트와 결혼 후 거스트가 보내주는 골의 양 증가
- Adjusted the lasting time of several comsumptions.
- Optimized the behavior of NPCs. They're less easy to be interrupted now.
- Optimized the position when interacting with NPCs.
- Changed the birthday of Gust from Feburary 12th to Feburary 11th.
: 거스트의 생일이 2월 12일에서 2월 11일로 변경되었다네요
- You'll get a storage which stores all the additional items when you have a full inventory.
: 아이템 획득시 소지품이 가득찰 경우 보관함에 보관된다는듯
- Optimized the attacking experience of all the weapons.
- Adjusted the appearance of mission letters in the mailbox.
- Optimized the UI of factory.
- Mission related items cannot be sold and are undeletable
: 미션 관련 아이템 판매 및 버리기 불가
- Deleted the unnecessary conversation while sending gift in the Day of Bright Sun.
- Adjusted the priority of overhead NPC chat.
- Adjusted the stamina display bar. The remaining stamina will not be displayed when players have 100% stamina.
- Fixed the bug where players would still get a mission reminder over Dr. Xu's head, even when there are no missions for him.
- Fixed the display timing error in UI when taking missions about photo-taking.
- Fixed the bug that there're two Alices in the cutscene of Alice getting married.
- Fixed the bug that the holiday background music woudn't stop when leaving out of the holiday area.
- Fixed the error in the conversation with QQ, Pinky, and Scraps while in the holidays or birthday.
- Fixed the conversation error while sending a sweetheart cake to a partner.
- Fixed the bug that made NPCs not go to have a hot-pot when re-loading a save during the Winter Solstice.
- Fixed the bug that caused NPCs to shake when riding the hot balloon.
- Fixed the bug where the date and play event cannot be triggered while having the buff that alters health.
- Fixed the bug that caused horses to follow players into the sparring when the players had multiple horses following them.
- Fixed the bug that the sound effect of swinging will keep playing if players don't do anything in that mini-game.
- Fixed the bug that caused the monsters' name in the album collection refers to the wrong monsters.
- Fixed the bug wjere horses will block the way when the players had multiple horses following them.
- Fixed the bug that caused the relic scanner to scan multiple times when the items overlap each other.
- Adjusted the lengh of the conversation when getting married.
- Fixed the issue when players got favor points from multiple NPCs at the same time that caused sound effects to be too loud.
- Fixed the bug that caused the game to not play the animation of lying on the floor before bed time after continuous fishing.
- Fixed the bug where entering the fishing competition will not cost the player any gols.
- Fixed the bug that players cannot load the game if they died while fishing.
- Fixed the spotlight in the abandoned ruins.
- Fixed the crack in the top of the abandoned ruins.Players will need to reset their ruins instance for this to take effect.
- Fixed several scripts errors.
- Fixed the error in conversation after unlocking all the diagrams.
- Fixed the bug that caused the attribute of furnitures to change if the game was reloaded.
- Fixed the bug that caused the camera to stop working if players triggered the jealousy event during the dating mini-games.
- Fixed the bug that caused the game to freeze when players trigger the jealousy system after the dating mini-games.
- Fixed the bug where animals could not be placed on floorings.
- Fixed the bug that the guidance page cannot be closed by using the controller.
- Fixed the bug that caused characters to disappear.
- Fixed split 0 item bug.
Update 9.0 - Hotfix Patch
Hey Portians,
Since yesterday's update, we've been busy going through your feedback and bug/crash reports. Thanks to your feedback we’ve been able to put together a small patch that should fix most of the reported crashes.
The bugs related to the art assets will be fixed in upcoming patches. The reason for this being the update for art asset fixes will be a large file size to download.
Thanks again to those who took the time to make us aware of any bugs and crashes. Your actions have not only helped us fix any issues, but also helped your fellow Portians enjoy the game!
- In this build, trees and brushes will not grow in the yard after the update.
: 부지 확장 후 부지 내에 나무 및 덤불이 자라지 않게 되었다네요
- Even after you expand the yard, the trees and brushes in yard will also be cut automatically.
: 부지 확장시 기존에 있던 나무 및 덤불이 자동으로 사라진다네요
- Changed the placing orders of commissions. High level commission will display ahead of low-level commissions.
: 의뢰 게시판에 걸리는 의뢰 순서 변경 (높은 등급의 의뢰가 낮은 등급의 의뢰 앞에 걸린다네요)
- Fixed the bug that the demo save file can be read in the 9.0 build. So that players will not load it and crash the game.
- Fixed a bug that caused the animals in the stable to be stuck by characters.
- Fixed a bug that where choosing the number of food in the feeding UI, it would reset the scroll bar.
- Fixed the crash when players restart the timed out Cross Five.
- Fixed the crash at the end of the horse racing game.
- Fixed some potential crashes.
- Improved the performance when riding the horse.
- Fixed the crash that caused by pathfinding.
- Fixed a crash that occured when players were killed by traps.
PLEASE NOTE: Please ensure you go to bed before 12am on the 28th of every month. Failure to do so will cause the game to crash. We aim to have a fix for this next week.
Update 9.0 - Hotfix Patch 2
Hello Portians!
Thank you for reporting issues you found since the most recent update and patch.
This patch addresses those reported issues, as well as adjusting some other features, and adds support for Traditional Chinese!
- Fixed the bug causing storage boxes to disappear on the second floor.
To recover those boxes, please reload the file from the last build of the game.
- Adjusted the tree/bush generation system so that they will only grow in yard areas without furniture.
- Added Traditional Chinese language support. Please let us know if you find any errors.
- Added the option for players to hide accessories.
: 착용한 장신구 숨기기 옵션 추가
- Added badge rewards after the snowball fight in Winter.
: 겨울의 눈싸움에 뱃지 보상 추가
- Higgins is now more likely to fail to complete the advanced commissions.
: 히긴스가 좀더 고급 의뢰를 완료하지 못하게 된다네요
- Added the Nova Sword to the Total Tools store.
: 마르스의 도구 상점에 신성검 추가
- Increased the drop rate of lubricant on the third and fourth level of the sewage plant during the mission with the Civil Corps.
: 경비대와 함께하는 미션 중 하수 처리장 3,4 레벨에서 얻을 수 있는 윤활유 드롭율 증가
- Added the functionality to manually input the quantity of wood needed from the Tree Farm.
: 나무 농장으로부터 목재 필요량을 직접 입력할 수 있도록 기능 추가
- Added one registration table for horse racing at the start of the Land Run Time Attack track.
: 경마 축제의 타임어택 트랙 시작시 경주를 위한 등록 테이블이 추가 되었다는데.. (미확인)
- Adjusted the appearance of the way to the Somber Marsh.
: Somber Marsh 지역으로 가는 길 모양이 바뀐다는듯
- Adjusted the order of appearance of the Alliance Council members, and the following missions.
(Changes stop when the port store is built).
: Alliance Council 멤버의 주문 발생률을 재조정 했다는듯
- Players will be rewarded with the steel beam diagram for completing the 'Road to the Marsh' mission.
: Road to the Marsh 미션 완료시 steel beam 도면이 보상에 포함된다는듯
- The Research Center store is now open from the start of the game.
: 연구실 상점은 게임 시작시 열려있을거라네요 (미확인)
- Increased the number of badges earned from competitions.
: 경마 대회에서의 뱃지 보상 개수 증가
- Adjusted the difficult of the horse racing competition.
: 경마 대회의 난이도 재조정
- Optimised the appearance of the grass near the marsh.
- Adjusted the volume of working machines.
- Special commissions on Friday will no longer be low level.
: 금요일에 진행되는 특수 의뢰에 더이상 낮은 등급이 포함되지 않는다네요
- If an NPC has an emergency and he/she has to leave your date, then you can continue the date when the NPC returns.
: 데이트 도중 상대 NPC가 사라졌다면 다시 되돌아올때 데이트가 계속 진행된다네요
- Players between level 25 to level 50 will not depend on experience as much.
- Adjusted the opening hours for hot air balloon rides to 7am - 9pm.
: 열기구 이용시간이 오전 7시~오후 9시로 변경
- Adjusted the stamina consumption when using a rifle.
: 샷건 사용시 체력(SP) 소모량 재조정
- Fixed the bug preventing the advanced skiver from recycling materials when you cancel the process.
- Fixed an issue preventing you from cutting down a tree under certain circumstances.
- Fixed the bug affecting the magnifying glass in the inspection mini game.
- Fixed the bug causing the attack sound continues to play after defeating the boss in the tunnel.
- Fixed the bug causing items to disappear when running the game at a low resolution.
- Fixed the bug affecting plants growing in the planter box.
- Fixed the bug causing players to get stuck in the flooring.
- Fixed the animation error when the piggyback frog dies.
- Fixed the issue with the horse riding sound effect.
- Fixed the bug causing the feather duster to disappear when petting animals.
- Fixed the bug affecting apples, honey and beeswax being sent from the Tree Farm.
- Fixed the issue with using the relic scanner during the Day of Memories.
- Fixed the bug affecting resolution when switching to default display settings.
- Fixed the crash that occurs when taking pictures with NPCs in the hot air balloon.
- Adjusted the amount of textiles needing for producing quality leather.
: 고급 가죽 제작을 위한 재료 수 재조정
- Fixed the bug causing items to float after cutting a tree.
- Fixed the bug causing NPCs to get stuck in the dungeon in the marsh.
- Fixed the bug causing the game to freeze when interacting with several NPCs.
- Fixed issues affecting Ack collecting all items in the yard.
- Added the entrance icon of the mission 'The First Key'
: The First Key 미션의 입구 아이콘 추가
- Fixed the crash when riding a horse.
- Fixed the crash when returning to the menu during the Day of Memories.
- Fixed the bug causing NPCs to get stuck in the land.
- Fixed the crash when finishing the snowball fight.
- Fixed the bug preventing players from taking the trap out of the factory once it is complete.
- Fixed a script error in Gust's dialogue.
- Fixed the bug preventing players from entering the final room after being defeated by the Piggy-Bot.
- Fixed the collision error.
- Fixed several script errors.
- Fixed the textures of antidote,clock glass and fish tank.
- Fixed the icons of All Source Model and Snowball Battle Badge.
- Fixed the language issues on the South Block trade board.
- Fixed the issue of the new look worshop taking up extra land.
- Added a 'cancel' button for production in the factory.
: 공장에 생산 취소 버튼 추가
- Players will now receive experience for making products in the factory.
A 'tip' pop-up will appear each morning to tell you how much experience you have earned.
: 공장에서 생산시 경험치를 획득할 수 있게 되었다네요 (다음날 아침에 표시)
As always, please continue to report any issues in the Report A Problem forum.
If you'd like to leave feedback, suggestions, or talk to other players, head over to the Discussions forum!
Update 9.0 - Hotfix Patch 3
Hey Portians,
Today we’ve put out a small patch to address a few more bugs that have been found in My Time At Portia.
There are, however, a couple of bugs that will require further attention before we’re able to remove them:
There is currently an issue in-game that is caused by the new look of the workshop. Currently, the solution will lead to a HUGE patch. To avoid this scenario, the team are working on a fix that should hopefully avoid that outcome. For those of you who aren’t aware of this issue, you'll find that some of the furniture in one area are missing. You’ll also discover that, somehow, a cooking set has just popped out on the second floor. This newly materialised cooking set also has the perk of not working at all, so it’s useless.
Like we just mentioned, we're still trying to find out the best solution to address this. If you’ve already done an appearance change, and you happen to like how everything was, you'll have to change the layout back by putting your furniture in your inventory, and then changing it back to your preferred appearance.
Thank you for your understanding with all this, we really appreciate it.
You can find the changelist of what has been fixed, below:
- Fixed a bug related to the South Block cost being incorrect.
- Fixed the bug with players not getting any skill points after their character levels up. Now the skill tree has been reset.
- Fixed a crash issue in the snowball fight mini game.
- Fixed the crash issue that occured when loading a save during the Martial Art Tournament.
- Fixed the bug that caused the cupboard to not be on sale in the store.
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