티스토리 뷰


정보가 필요하신 분들을 위해 작게나마 플레이 후기 및 공략을 남깁니다.

(아래 글 제목을 클릭하면 새 창으로 자세한 정보를 확인할 수 있어요)

마이 타임 앳 포샤 관련 공략 더보기는 아래 링크를 클릭하세요.

바로가기 → 마이 타임 앳 포샤 (시즌 1) 1년차

바로가기 → 마이 타임 앳 포샤 (시즌 2) 2년차

다른 게임 관련 공략 더보기는 아래 링크를 클릭하세요.

바로가기 → 게임 공략 목록

7.0 업데이트 내용

※ 영알못이라 제대로 번역해드릴수가 없어서 구글 번역이라도 해보시라고 원본은 그대로 유지했습니다 (쿨럭)

HARBOUR UPDATE – NOW LIVE! (Changelist included)


Hey Portians!

The next update for My Time At Portia is here! We’ve upgraded Unity, and recruited some talented writers to help us shape the stories of Portia. In this update, you’ll get to experience more stories and quests, as well other new content including: a level 3 assembly station upgrade, Steam achievement system, and a brand new mount – the colourful llama.

More stories

We recruited eight talented writers to help us, so a lot of new story missions have been added in this update, including some new NPC stories. With more and more stories and conversations being added to the game, the world of Portia has become more abundant, thanks to you guys! We’ve loved hearing player feedback since we first launched the game into Early Access, and we’ll continue to work on more content and optimisations.

Now, a small story sneak peek – in this update, you’ll meet a brand new character! He’s the richest person in the Portia world, and you’ll get to meet him when he visits the town. We don’t want to spoil anything for you, so we’ll let you jump into the game and meet him yourself!

Fishing optimisation

We asked you for feedback on the current fishing system in My Time At Portia, and some of you said you found it boring, tough to operate, and not very rewarding. We’ve made some improvements to this in this update. For example, we’ve expanded the range of where the fish will take bait, and added more sound effects. Most importantly though, we’ve increased the rewards! So go get fishing and earn big money!

Smart mining – Ingall’s Mine

We’ve added a handy new feature in this update! You’ll be able to receive mining resources to your supply box everyday from Ingall’s Mine - once you’ve completed the related mission of course! This should be great news for those of you who want to spend less time mining! 

New workshop features

Level 3 assembly station

This update includes the level 3 assembly station which includes a pretty cool feature – it can automatically assemble machines. So that means you won’t have to assemble machines piece by piece - you’ll just need the raw materials instead.

Level 4 house

Aside from the upgrade for your assembly station, we’ve also added the level 4 upgrade for your house. Not only will this give you a bigger room inside, but you’ll also get a second floor, and a more luxurious appearance! 

Storage boxes

We’ve listened to your feedback regarding storage boxes, and how having multiple boxes is inconvenient when trying to locate raw materials to build with. In this update, crafting machines will automatically find the raw materials from your inventory and storage boxes. 

We’ve also added a ‘helpers chest’. You’ll be able to craft this new type of storage box so that the helpers in your house (your spouse and Ack) will only use fuel or materials in this chest.

And finally, we’ve made some changes to the wood resource storage box. The products that your helpers collect will be placed into this chest. So you will no longer have to ask for them!

Photo frame

Want to make your house more like home? You can now hang your favourite pictures on the wall in your home. So get out there, take some pictures, and add your own personal touch to your home!

Dye the furniture

Time for some customisation fun! Dug up a sofa in the Abandoned Ruins? Not a fan of pink? Doesn’t match your décor? No problem! In this update, you’ll be able to change the colour of the piece of furniture to suit you! How neutral or bright do you want your colour scheme to be?

Language Input Issue

Some players had reported that changing the language input had caused their game to freeze. Thanks to the Unity upgrade, we’ve been able to resolve this and you should not experience this problem after this update.

We’ve added a bunch of other features to make your experience in My Time At Portia more enjoyable, so check out the below changelist for this update.


Added: (추가)

   - Added first version of Steam achievement system.

        Mission related achievements will not unlock if you've already finished the mission.

        You will need to restart the game and finish that mission again.

   : 업적 시스템 추가 (업적과 관련된 미션을 이미 완료한 경우라면 새 게임이 필요합니다)

   - Added new main stories about Higgins, Flying Pigs adventurer Mali, fixing harbor, and long distance bus orders.

   : 스토리 추가 (히긴스, 말리, 항구 수리, 버스 등)

   - Added missions about Gust and Ginger. Part of mission will only be triggered after marriage.

   : 거스트 및 진저 관련 미션 추가 (결혼 후에만 진행 가능)

   - Added sewing machine, which can upgrade character's outfit.

   : 재봉틀 추가 (주인공 의상을 업그레이드 할 수 있습니다)

   - Adjusted the research order and added an option to accelerate the research speed.

        Players will get the result based on their priority. Handing in more disks can speed up research progress.

   : 페트라에게서 도면 연구시 순서를 정할 수 있으며, 데이터 디스크를 이용해 연구속도를 올릴 수 있습니다

   - Assembly station can be upgraded to level 3, and can automatically assemble items.

   : 3레벨 조립대로 업그레이드 가능

   - Home can be upgraded to level 4.

   : 4레벨 집으로 업그레이드 가능

   - When crafting items in the worktable, the system will find raw materials automatically from the bag and chests.

   : 작업대에서 제작시 자동으로 소지품 가방 및 상자에서 재료 탐색

   - Crafting can help to gain experience. Helper Ack and spouse collecting products can also gain experience.

   : 제작시 경험치 획득 가능, 아크 및 배우자가 완성품 수거시에도 경험치 증가

   - Added chests for helpers, so that the helpers can only use the raw materials and fuels from this chest.

   : 공방 도우미를 위한 전용상자 추가 (도우미 전용상자 내에 보관된 물품만 업무 수행)

   - The helper will place all the products they've collected into the chest by the front door.

   : 공방 도우미가 수거한 물품은 모두 공방 문앞의 자원 상자에 보관

   - Added smart dash in the fighting system. The character can dash to attack the enemy if they're in range.

   : 스마트 대시 추가 (전투시 적이 일정 거리안에 있을 경우 스마트 대시로 공격 가능)

   - Added level 3 hazardous dungeon in desert.

   : 잉갈스 광산 3레벨 추가

   - Added new fighting animation for Sam and Remington.

   : 샘과 레밍턴의 전투 모션 추가

   - Added more products in the inspection mini game.

   : 검사 미니 게임에 더 많은 생산품 추가

   - Can re-name the workshop at City Hall.

   : 시청에서 공방 이름 수정 가능

   - Added new instructions in the Commerce Guild manual.

   : 상인 길드 내 가이드북에 도움말 추가

   - Added attributes of dishes in the cooking recipe.

   : 조리대의 조리법 목록에서 요리의 속성(효과) 확인 가능

   : (이라고는 하지만 텍스트가 잘려서 제기능은 못하네요;)

   - Added the annual competition for the builders. The builders in the top three can get rewards from the Commerce Guild.

        Scores in the ranking system will be reset at the beginning of each year.

   : 건축가들을 위한 연간 경쟁 시스템 추가

   : (매년 1~3위 공방에게 보상을 지급하며, 공방 랭킹 점수가 초기화됩니다)

   - Added consumables that can improve characters attributes permanently.

   : 캐릭터 스탯을 영구적으로 증가시키는 소모성 아이템 추가

   - Added one more room with several exhibition stands in museum.

   : 박물관 내 전시 공간 증설

   - Added new decorations in A&G Construction.

   : A&G 건축사무소 내 장식용품 상점에 새 품목 추가

   - Added fish tank in museum. Player will get rewards when they collect all kinds of fish, and collect all Emperor fish.

   : 박물관 내 물고기 전시가 가능한 수족관 추가

   : (모든 종류의 물고기를 전시할 경우 보상 지급)

   - Added a venom shotgun. It can be crafted in level 2 worktable.

   : 산탄총 무기 추가 (2레벨 작업대에서 제작 가능)

   - Added colourful llama as a new ride.

   : 화려한 라마 탑승 가능

   - Can catch colourful llama in the wild.

   : 야생 화려한 라마 포획 가능

   - Can dye furniture.

   : 가구 염색 가능

   - Items can be placed into backpack by pressing 'R' while holding them.

   : 퀵슬롯의 아이템을 들고 있을때 R키를 눌러 소지품 공간으로 이동 가능

   - Added new area - highland.

   : 산악지대 지역 추가

   - Added IK. NPC will face the player when you say hi to them.

   : 캐릭터들과 마주쳤을때 "hi"라고 인사한다네요

   - Added more items for Pinky - including scratching board and cat tree.

   : 핑키를 위한 아이템 추가 (Cat Scratcher 와 Cat Tree) (식당 내 뱃지 교환)

   - Ack will send player a gift on the 20th of each month.

   : 아크가 매달 20일에 선물을 보내준다네요

   - Added conversations for Mint, Mars, and Mei.

   : 대화 추가 (민트, 마르스, 메이)

   - Added the interaction animation - massage.

   : 마사지 상호작용 애니메이션 추가

   - Added item apology bear - to remove jealous status from NPC.

   : Apology Bear 아이템 추가 (캐릭터들의 질투 상태 제거에 사용) (식당 내 뱃지 교환)

   - Added/updated part of NPCs voice acting.

   : 캐릭터들의 목소리 추가 및 업데이트

   - The shortcut bar selection cursor can cycle through from last slot back to the first slot.

   : 퀵슬롯 선택시 회전 가능

   : (전에는 8번과 1번 사이가 막혀서 역으로 되돌렸던 것이 회전이 가능하게끔 이어짐)

   - Added bus route, so players can enjoy the scenery.

   : 버스 노선 추가 (경치 감상용)

   - A special UI will pop out when players get a new rare item. And the animation of opening a chest has been removed.

   : 새로운 희귀 아이템 획득시 화면에 팝업 효과가 발생 및 보물 상자를 여는 애니메이션 삭제

   - Added picture frame. Can choose a picture from the album.

   : 사진첩에서 사진을 선택하여 집 안에 전시할 수 있는 액자 추가

   - Can change lip color in barber shop.

   : 산와의 이발소에서 입술색 변경 가능

   - Added home log, which will record two days events of helpers.

   : 집 안의 가구 배치 현황판에서 공방 도우미의 2일간 활동내역 확인 가능

   - Language input is banned while the player is moving.

   : 주인공이 이동중일 경우 언어 입력 불가

   - Added changelist and credit in the main menu.

   : 메인 메뉴 화면에 Changelist 와 Credit 추가

   - NPC can level up.

   : 이제 캐릭터들도 레벨업 가능 (스파링과 연관되겠네요)

   - Added one summer background music.

   : 여름 배경음악 추가

   - Added light on miner's hat.

   : 채광시 초점에 조명 추가

   - Added the diagram for the water storage in Emily's Well 2.

   : Emily's Well 미션 진행을 위한 물탱크 도면 추가

   : (나무 농장 복구 미션 이전에 진행할 경우를 대비한듯)

Adjusted: (변경)

   - Fishing system:

      ① Optimised the fishing UI.

      ② Added sound effect.

      ③ Adjusted the way the bubble follows the bait.

      ④ Optimised the camera while fishing.

      ⑤ Adjusted the price of fish.

      ⑥ Adjusted the earnings from fishing.

   : 낚시 시스템 변경 (쉽게 말해서 낚시가 보다 쉬워지고, 낚시로 인한 수입 증가)

   - Adjusted the ranking reward in Commerce Guild.

   : 매월 지급되던 상인 길드의 공방 랭킹 보상내용 변동

   : (파워 스톤, 열처리액, 풍차 바퀴 등이 다른 아이템들과 골로 변경)

   - Adjusted the initial money to 100.

   : 게임 새로 시작시 초기 자금이 100 골로 변경 (버려진 폐허 1 입장료를 위한듯)

   - Re-arranged the buildings and terrain in harbour area. 

   : 항구 지역의 건물 및 지형 변화

   - Adjusted the maximum distance to capture pictures.

   : 사진 촬영시 조절 가능한 최대 거리 재조정

   - Adjusted the number of sending gifts to once a day.

   : 하루에 한번만 선물하도록 재조정

   - Added tip on the Commerce Guild board showing that no commissions are available at the weekend.

   : 의뢰 게시판 툴팁 추가

   : (상인 길드의 의뢰 게시판에 주말에는 의뢰가 표시되지 않는 것에 대한 설명을 추가한듯)

   - Changed the trigger time of the mission - Meet the Shop Owners. Has changed to the next day of the workshop registration.

   : 상점 주인 만나기 미션이 공방 등록 미션을 완료한 다음날 진행되도록 변경

   - The camera can move horizontally while upgrading the house.

   : 공방 업그레드시 화면을 움직일 수 있도록 변경

   - Mailbox will show the number of unread and read.

   : 우편함에서 읽지않은 우편과 읽은 우편들의 개수가 표시되도록 변경

   - Optimized the movement when placing the furniture.

   : 가구 배치시 이동 관련 최적화

   - Any choice under Interact icon will not cost any stamina.

   : 상호작용 선택중에는 체력(SP) 소모가 안되도록 변경

   - Dye can now be made in the blender instead of at the worktable.

   : 작업대에서 제작 가능했던 안료가 이젠 믹서기에서 가공하도록 변경

   - Adjusted the location of dating while riding the horse.

   : 말 탑승시의 데이트 장소 재조정 (미확인)

   - Moved the bus stop from hazardous dungeon front door to research center front door.

   : 붕괴된 미개척지 입구에 있던 디디 정류장이 연구소 앞으로 이동 배치

   - Increased the sales price of the farm products.

   : 재배 관련 생산품 가격 상향 조정

Fixed: (버그 수정)

   - Fixed the bug that the dialogue box will pop up continuously after the inventory is full.

   - Fixed the bug that when opening camera mode while petting, the icon of pet's mood will stay on the screen.

   - Hid the icon of mailbox and resource storage in cutscene.

   - Fixed the bug that players cannot send any gifts when on a date or playdate.

   - Adjusted Paulie's location when he is star gazing.

   - Fixed the bug that the players might get stuck in the dungeon.

   - Fixed the bug that the character might disappear. If that happens again, please let us know. Thank you.

   - Removed the string in the middle of the screen while dashing.

   - Fixed the bug that Dr. Xu and Lucy might disappear.

   - Fixed the bug that fixing stable mission will expire.

   - Fixed the bug that after completing the mission The Poisoned Water, part of NPCs will still have stomach aches.

   - Fixed the display error in the mission details (when the mission needs alpaca hair but shows fluffy pendant).

Hotfix for Harbour Update


We've collected a bunch of feedback from you guys since the latest update went live, and worked fast to get things fixed for you!



   - Venom Dart can be crafted from Comprehensive Grinder

   : 종합 연삭기에서 산탄총 탄약 제작 가능

   - Added new animations when interactive with Llama.

   : 라마와의 상호작용 애니메이션 추가


   - Increased time limited for Ingall's Mine Upper Level as well as most of the Hazardous Ruins

   : 위험한 폐허의 타임어택 제한시간 증가

   - Adjusted Initial distance for Charged Attack

   : 차지 공격을 위한 거리 재조정 (스마트 대시를 말하듯..)

   - Increased Triple Barrel Snakebite’s stats, now level 3 worktable is needed to craft Triple Barrel Snakebite.

   : 산탄총 능력 상향 및 3레벨 작업대에서 제작 가능하도록 변경

   - Increased the possibility to tame a Llama, Trap Box's location is more noticeable.

   : 라마 포획 확률 증가 및 포획틀이 잘보이도록 위치 변경

   - Increased the drop rate of the Advanced Engine.

   : 고급 엔진 드롭 확률 증가

   - Can get the diagram of construction cranes even the mission build the museum is incomplete.

   : 박물관 건설 미션이 완료되지 않은 상태에서도 기중기 도면을 획득할 수 있도록 변경

   - Decreased the drop rate of the disks.

   : 데이터 디스크 드롭 확률 감소


   - Bug caused by Marble Street Light.

   - Create new game did not unlock mission achievements

   - Bug caused by interactive with horse, added 

   - Bug caused by bus.

   - Sometimes Gust did not show up for date.

   - Bug caused by return to main menu.

   - Can get mineral ores when fishing.

   - Fixed the wrong text of the source for Dye.

   - Fixed the display error on the diagram of the lift.

Hotfix No.2 for Harbor's Update


Hey everyone,

We have another hotfix for the Harbour Update, this will fix the issue causing the achievements to stay locked, the lift diagram being missing in-game, as well as a few other issues. Here's a changelist:

Change list:

   - Fixed the bug when completing an achievement but the achievement still shows as locked.

   - Fixed the animations when interacting with the llama.

   - Fixed the bug that players cannot ride to tame a new mount.

   - Fixed the bug causing the exit of Ingall's Mine level 3 to be blocked.

   - Fixed the bug preventing the favor points of Antoine and Presley from increasing.

   - Fixed the character display error in some cutscenes.

   - Players can get the lift control diagram in the western highland mission.

        If you have already completed the mission but did not get the diagram, you will get it the next day.

   : 서부 산악지대 미션 진행중 승강기 제어장치 도면을 획득할 수 있도록 변경

   - Added cumin in Farm Store.

   : 소피의 목장 상점의 판매 품목에 커민 추가

Hotfix No. 3 for Harbour Update


Hey everyone!

We added a ton of new content for this month's update, so we didn't have much time to test everything we wanted to. Thank you all for giving us feedback on all the bugs and design issues that you have faced. Ingall's Mine Level 3 caused some major concern from players, we've taken away the timer and will be adding a "hard mode" level for that ruin in the next major update. We've also tweaked the drop rate for the advanced engine, you should get that easy enough if you just follow the main storyline. 

Also, removed Redshell, you can read more about it from Team17 here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/666140/discussions/0/1694923613871370724/. 


   - Fixed bug where the mission after the Tree Farm mission cannot be triggered.

        (In this update, the mission can be triggered two days after the loading the game once it's past Febuary 6th first year)

   - Increased the drop rate of advanced engine in Desert Abandoned Ruins. 

   : 사막의 버려진 폐허에서의 고급 엔진 드롭 확률 증가

   - Adjusted the reward when clearing Ingall's Mine. Increased the drop rate of the advanced engines and the discs. 

   : 잉갈스 광산 클리어 보상 재조정 (고급 엔진 및 데이터 디스크 드롭 확률 증가)

   - Increased the drop rate of the data discs in Abandoned Ruins.

        They can also be found in chests dug out from the Abandoned Ruins, but need to scan by pressing the F button.

   : 버려진 폐허에서의 데이터 디스크 드롭 확률 증가

   - Fixed the bug that the character might be trapped by the water tower when placing it. 

   - Fixed the bug that in the cutscene of Mali first came to Portia there might be two airplanes in it. 

   - Fixed the bug that Ginger keeps following the player after Ginger's Little Wish.

   - Fixed the bug that Ginger keeps laying on the bed after the mission. 

   - Fixed the bug that harbor crane mission cannot be accepted. 

   - Fixed the bug that the conversations with Gale and Russo are not there in Ginger's tests of marriage.

   - Fixed the bug that the hint of Grave Visit in map will not disappear.

   - Fixed the bug where when the helpers are refuelling the generators, the helper will go fetch the fuel in the current storage boxes.

   - Side quest items can be sold now. The items that belong to expired missions can be sold.

   : 보조 미션 관련 아이템들이 판매 가능하도록 변경 (제한시간이 만료된 미션 관련 아이템)

   - Increased the possibility of taming the llama. And decreased the sales price of llama.

   : 라마 포획 확률 증가 및 라마 판매 가격 감소

   - Fixed the bug that the marble street light won't work at night. 

   - Added several foods that can feed mounts.

   : 마구간 동물에게 먹일 수 있는 먹이 추가 (마구간에 먹이통 추가)

   - Fixed the bug that the comprehensive machine cannot craft Igneous Brick.

   - Fixed the crash when using the sewing machine.

   - Fixed the crash when adjusting the number of the products in Farm Tree and the operation near Ingall's mine. 

   - Fixed the displaying error in the recipe of red tea and milk tea.

   - Fixed the UI and the sound effect error in mining and opening the crafting machines. 

   - Fixed the bug where the feed disappears upon reloading the game. 

   - Fixed the missing UI when machines are short on fuel.

   - Fixed the bug when the comprehensive machine operation gets canceled, the materials that return aren't correct.

   - Fixed the bug that it will not cost materials while using the sew machine. 

   - Fixed the bug in the doodle mini game, that the horse could block the way. 

   - Fixed the bug when sending gifts on January 1st.

   - Fixed some NPC pathfinding issues. 

   - Fixed the bug in the inspection mini game. 

   - When sending gifts in wishlist to NPC, the player can also get extra favor points if the specific social skill in the skill tree is selected.

   : 캐릭터에게 소망하는 아이템 선물시 특정 스킬이 적용될 경우 인기도가 증가 (미확인)

   : (The Giver 스킬을 말하는듯도..)

   - Fixed the displaying error when the crops ripen. 

   - Fixed the content error in some of the UI. 

   - Fixed the crash bug that caused by the high damage.

   - Fixed some content error. 

   - Fixed the bug where the photo frame cannot be made

   - Increased the satiety feed can bring to mounts.

   : 마구간 동물한테 먹이를 줄 경우 포만감이 증가한다는듯

   - Fixed the bug where the damage number of bare hands are too much. 

   - Fixed the bug where the products that the helpers collect will not show up in the resource box.

   - Fixed the bug where some items will take two exhibition spots in museum. 

   - Fixed the bug in several recipes where they cannot be made.

        They are recipes for Sweet Stew Mix, Salty Stew Mix, Spicy Stew Mix, and Seafood Stew Mix.

   - Fixed the bug that when dismounted, the player might fall into waters. 

   - Fixed the description error that only if Pinky becomes your friend, she will follow you home. 

   - Adjusted the score system in inspection mini-game. Players will not score by just clicking complete the game.

   : 검사 미니게임 점수 시스템 재조정 (검사 완료시 바로 평판을 얻지않도록 변경)

   - Ack will find the materials in the storage boxes when the player asks for cooking.

   : 아크를 통해 조리시 보관함에서 재료를 탐색

   - Adjusted the walking path of taking QQ for the Run QQ Run sidequest.

   : Run QQ Run! 미션과 관련하여 경로 재조정

   - Decreased the stamina cost for using the shotgun.

   : 산탄총 사용시 체력(SP) 소비량 감소

   - Fixed the display error for mission objects in Dana's Mining Company.

   - Fixed the bug where the pop up mission during dating might cause the game to freeze.

Hotfix No. 4 for Harbor Update


Another hotfix, we'll probably release a beta build next time in advance so that some bugs can be sorted out earlier. Hopefully this is the last patch for the Harbor build as we want to get on to newer content. Also for the players that still didn't get the harbor crane mission, it's possible that too much time has passed that Higgins went ahead and built it.


   - Optimized the UI of sewing machine.

        If you want to revise any clothes, you'll need to take a higher level clothes than the current one with you in your inventory.

   : 재봉틀 관련 인터페이스 최적화 (미확인)

   - Fixed the bug that Pinky cannot be interacted with. 

   - Fixed the bug that while in the prompt interface, any conversation will freeze the game. 

   - Adjusted detection method of the dismount location.

   - Adjusted the favor points that can be gotten from sparring.

   : 스파링을 통해 얻을 수 있었던 인기도 재조정

   - Fixed the bug that the spouse won't sleep in a level 4 house.

   - Restore the damage of bare hands while sparring.

   : 스파링시 맨손 데미지 복원 (미확인)

   - Removed the feature that can dye furnitures while riding.

   : 말 탑승시 가구를 염색할 수 없도록 변경 (미확인)

   - Fixed the bug that materials will go missing while in the recycling the machine. 

   - Fixed the issue where if a player opens a machine when it's crafting items, opening the machine doesn't select the item. 

   - Fixed the error with the ranking the yearly workshop competition. 

   - Fixed the task display error in the mission of proposing to Ginger.

   - Fixed the bug where Emily fails to give a gift infront of the door.

   - Fixed the bug where the player will stand up on the mount when it falls.

   - Fixed the bug that the mount will follow the player into the fishing game even when the player asks the mount to stay. 

   - Fixed the bug in the inspection mini game. 

Hotfix No. 5 for Harbor Update



We have another hotfix for you! This will resolve bugs that may affect game progress, as we are currently working on version 8.0 of My Time At Portia. Here's a changelist:

As always, please head to the forums and continue to let us know if you experience any issues. 


   - Added an interface that will show all the inspection spots if the inspection mini game is failed.

   : 검사 미니게임에서 실패시 틀린 부분이 표시되도록 추가 (미확인)

   - Ack will find the materials in storage boxes when the player asks for something to be cooked.

   : (핫픽스 3에서 언급되었던거 같은데 또 있네요;)

   - Added controller support for sewing machine.

   : 재봉틀 관련 컨틀롤러 지원 기능 추가

   - Fixed the bug affecting ranking and reputation points.

   - Fixed the bug causing Pinky to show up in the house when the player starts their game.

   - Fixed the bug causing storage boxes to disappear for no reason.

   - Fixed the bug causing Phyllis to go to Dr. Xu's clinic after she has set up her own clinic.

   - Fixed the bug causing fuel to go missing when in the recycling machine.

   - Fixed the bug that helpers fail to refuel the generator. 

   - Fixed the bug causing the player's mount to not follow them after sparring.

Hotfix No. 6 for Harbor Update


This hotfix is mainly to fix the remaining crashes.


   - Fixed crash when leaving the house

   - Fixed black screen after getting married

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