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My time At Portia has left early access and is out now on PC!
Happy launch day Portians!
My Time At Portia officially leaves early access and is launching on PC today!
Check out the launch trailer below!
My Time At Portia is available for PC right here on Steam, priced at £24.99 / $29.99 / €29.99, and contains brand new content!
(Steam users can purchase the game at the early access price of £15.99 / $19.99 / €19.99 on until approximately 2pm GMT!)
If you’re an early access player, the game will update in your Steam library and you can continue playing on your existing save file.
Here’s what’s included in this launch day update:
- New story content – Continue your quest to uncover the secrets of Portia and experience the epic finale!
- New side missions – including NPC quests!
- Start a family – have or adopt a baby with your spouse!
- Host parties at your workshop
- More player customisation – including beards and face decorations!
- New items and furniture
- New calendar features – including player birthday and wedding anniversary
- Additional audio, text, music and UI features
- Additional language support
– My Time At Portia now supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
- And loads more! (Check out the full changelist down below!)
If you haven’t experienced life in Portia yet, there is a free demo available on Steam or you can check out our handy FAQ post, HERE.
Launch Day Activity:
We have a number of things planned today, to celebrate the launch of My Time At Portia!
Official Livestream: We’ll be hosting an official launch day livestream and answering your questions in chat! Tune in today, at 5pm GMT on Twitch, Mixer, Facebook, YouTube and Steam!
Steam broadcasts: We’ve got special guests broadcasting their adventures in Portia right here on Steam. Tune in to the Steam store page at the times listed below:
1pm – 3pm (GMT): FrankThePegasus
3pm – 5pm (GMT): LadyShelab
5pm – 6pm (GMT): Team17
6pm – 7pm (GMT): Geruhn
7pm – 8pm (GMT): DangerouslyFunny
8pm – 10pm (GMT): Jaxboxchick
12am – 1am (GMT): PlayWithJambo
Competition: Thanks to our lovely friends at CORSAIR, we’re hosting a competition to win a fancy new CORSAIR mouse and mousepad, along with a Steam key for the official My Time At Portia soundtrack! To be in with a chance of winning, you can enter, HERE.
Thank you!
Lastly, we’d like to a say a HUGE thank you to all our Kickstarter backers and early access players who have helped shape My Time At Portia into what it is now. We really hope you enjoy the full release and new content!
- Added main storyline and ending.
: 메인 스토리 및 엔딩 추가
- Added the summary UI to the end.
: 엔딩을 향한 인터페이스 요약(?) 추가
- Added features after marriage, including missions relating to anniversary, birthday parties for players and spouse, and side quests.
: 결혼기념일, 주인공과 배우자의 생일파티, 보조 퀘스트 등 결혼 후의 특징 추가
- Added side quests for Penny, the singer.
- Added side quests for Sam.
- Added side quests for Arlo.
- Added side quests for Alice.
- Added side quests for Emily.
- Added side quests for Ginger.
: 가수 페니(는 누구지?), 샘, 알로, 앨리스, 에밀리, 진저 관련 보조 퀘스트 추가
- New content and changes to Ack:
- Added new stories for Ack.
: 아크 관련 스토리 추가
- Changed the way to hire Ack. After you become friends with Ack and have triggered Lara's mission, you'll need to pay Ack to help you.
: 라라 모델 미션 완료 후 필요에 따라 임금을 지불하여 고용하는 방식으로 변경
- Added recipe data - Ack will need receipe data chip to cook.
: 아크에게 요리를 시키기위해서는 전용 레시피 데이터 칩이 필요하도록 추가
- Added ability for Ack to plant in batch. But will need planting data chip.
: 아크에게 작물을 심도록 하기위해서는 전용 재배 데이터 칩이 필요하도록 추가
- Added facial hair and face decoration in the character customisation interface. You can also change these styles in the barber shop.
: 산와의 이발소에서 얼굴 털(수염인듯?)과 얼굴 장식(문신? 흉터? 아무튼;) 커스터마이징 요소 추가
- Added baby system/adoption system. (Requires 12 hearts with your spouse to unlock)
: 아기 육아와 입양 시스템 추가 (배우자와의 관계가 12하트시 해제)
- Added party system. This will require a banquet table.
: 파티 시스템 추가 (연회 테이블 필요)
- Added birthday for players. New players can choose their birthday when they first start the game.
Other players can choose their birthday when you load the game after this update.
: 주인공의 생일 기능 추가 (새 캐릭터 생성시 생일을 설정하게됨, 기존 캐릭터는 기존 세이브 로드시 설정)
- Assembly diagrams received in missions can be purchased in the research centre.
: 미션 진행을 통해 얻게되는 조립 도면들은 연구소에서 별도 구입 가능
- Added video tapes in abandoned ruins.
: 버려진 폐허에 비디오 테이프 추가
- Added television in game which can play video tapes that are found in the abandoned ruins.
: 버려진 폐허에서 발견한 비디오 테이프를 재생할 수 있는 TV 추가
- Added lots of conversations.
: 대화문 많이 추가
- Added new clothing.
: 새로운 의상 추가
- Added wedding furnitures.
: 결혼 관련 가구 추가
- Added ordering system for single person. Players can restore their HP and obtain different buffs.
: 1인 주문(원탁 식당에서의 주문인가?) 기능 추가 (체력을 회복하거나 각종 버프 획득)
- Players can mine all categories of mines and find new relics in the abandoned ruins in the swamp.
: 습지대의 버려진 폐허에서 모든 광물들을 채광할 수 있고, 새 유물을 찾을수도 있음
- Map will display the name of the dee dee stop (when you hover your cursor over it).
: 전체지도에 디디 정류장 이름 표시 (마우스 커서 오버시)
- Added swing for single person.
: 1인 그네타기 추가
- Added information filter in the map.
: 전체지도에 표시할 정보 필터 기능 추가
- Added and replaced several voice recordings.
: 여러 음성 교체 및 추가
- Added new items for inspection.
: 주말 검사용 아이템 추가
- Added yoga mat.
: 요가 매트 추가
- Added one piece of BGM for inside the house. One of these two tracks will play at random when inside the house.
: 공방 집 안에서의 배경음 1곡 추가 (집 안에서는 2곡 중 1곡이 랜덤 재생)
- Added wedding anniversary to the calendar.
: 달력에 결혼 기념일 표시 추가
- Added animation and effect for placing furniture.
: 가구 배치 관련 애니메이션 및 효과 추가
- Added fighting guide.
: 전투 가이드 추가
- Added more cutscene photos.
: 컷신 사진 추가
- Added tips to the loading screen.
: 로딩화면에 표시되는 팁 추가
- Added decorations in the church for weddings.
: 결혼식 관련 교회 실내장식 추가
- Added new relationship levels with Pinky, Scraps, and QQ.
: 애완동물(핑키, 스크랩, 큐큐) 관련 관계도 레벨 추가
- Added dating event - chatting by the sea.
: 데이트 코스에 바다(해변?)에서의 대화 추가
- Added reward for collecting 60 exhibitions in museum - billiards.
: 박물관에 60개 기증 보상 추가
- Added the patrol animation for Arlo, Remington, and Sam.
: 포샤 경비대(알로, 레밍턴, 샘) 관련 순찰 애니메이션 추가
- Dawa's favor points will affect the payment to Tree Farm.
: 다와와의 관계가 나무 농장의 배달 비용에 영향을 끼치게됨
- Dana's favor points will affect the payment to the Mining Company.
: 다나와의 관계가 광산의 배달 비용에 영향을 끼치게됨 (다나도 이제 캐릭터로 추가된건가?)
- Added Alice's interaction with Jack after she gets married.
: 앨리스와 결혼시 앨리스와 잭과의 상호작용 추가
- Added revival after death. After death, the player will respawn outside their house.
: 사망시 부활 기능 추가 (사망시 집 밖에서 부활?)
- Added horse rental expiration, ruin payment expiration, and regular meeting reminders.
: 말 대여기간 만료, 버려진 폐허 임대 만료, 일요일 정기 모임 들에 관한 알림 추가
- Added the special effect of page turning.
: 페이지(무슨 페이지?) 넘김시 특수 효과 추가
- Added new diagrams and crafting recipes.
: 조립 도면 및 제작 레시피 추가
- Added an automatic reminder for the Sunday meeting event.
: 일요일 정기 모임에 대한 자동알림 추가
- Added king fish. There are now 'king' types of all fish.
: 왕 물고기 추가 (모든 어종이 왕 물고기 존재)
- Added king fish collection in the museum.
: 박물관에 왕 물고기 수집 요소 추가
- Added monsters in the swamp during winter.
: 습지대에 겨울 계절 몬스터 추가
- Added Chief Honcho in hazardous dungeon in the desert.
: 잉갈스 광산에 Chief Honcho(몬스터인듯) 추가
- Added flying mount - robopig rider.
: 비행 탈것(열기구 같은건가?) robopig rider 추가
- Added the function to get food directly without waiting.
: 기다리지않고 바로 음식을 가져오는 기능 추가 (원탁 식당인듯)
- Players can replay several cutscenes in the album.
: 사진첩에서 여러 컷신 다시보기 가능
- Added Game Speed in the settings, which can extend the in-game day.
: 게임속도 조절 기능 추가 (와~ 하루가 더 길어졌군요!)
- Added fishing spot in map.
: 전체지도에 낚시 포인트 표시 기능 추가
- Added special effects on UI.
: 인터페이스에 특수 효과 추가
- Added shortcut when interacting with NPCs.
: 캐릭터와의 상호작용 메뉴들에 단축키 추가
- Added the position adjustment feature for exhibition items in the museum when you have a good relationship with Merlin.
: 멀린과 관계가 좋을경우 박물관 내 기증품들의 위치 변경이 가능하도록 추가
- Added number above the scrolling bar in settings.
: 설정의 스크롤 막대 위에 수치가 표시되도록 추가
- Added more sound effects in game and added BGM & sound effects for cutscenes.
: 게임 내 효과음, 컷신의 배경음 및 효과음 더 추가
- Added different sound effects when fighting different monsters.
: 다른 몬스터와 전투시 다른 효과음 추가 (뭔 소리야;)
- Added more treasure chests.
: 보물 상자 더 추가
- Added exclusive attacking animation for Mint.
: 민트 전용 공격 애니메이션 추가
- Added stamina consumption for several holidays and events.
: 여러 축제 및 이벤트에 대한 체력 소모 기능 추가
- Added the highlight feature for Nvidia.
: Nvidia의 하이라이트 기능 추가
- Added time display while fishing.
: 낚시 중 시간표시 기능 추가
- Added animation of playing the drums.
: 드럼 연주 애니메이션 추가
- Added devotion in the relationship. Will need to have 1200 favor points with your spouse.
: 관계에 헌신 단계 추가 (10 하트가 애인이었고 12 하트가 헌신)
- Added new conversations for Gust when you propose, confess, date, and send gifts.
: 거스트에 대한 고백, 자백, 데이트, 선물시 대화 추가
- Added a wedding photo to the story album.
: 사진첩에 결혼 사진 추가
- Added closet, plant rack, and weapon rack for classify items.
: 아이템 분류를 위한 옷장, 식물 선반, 무기 선반 등 추가
- Added new greetings. Player's spouse will call player "Darling".
: 배우자가 Darling이라고 부르는 인사 추가
- Added a time limit to Gust's conversation after The Second Key mission.
If you missed the conversation in this time limit, you will not receive it again.
: 두번째 열쇠 미션 진행후 거스트와의 대화 시간제한 추가 (제한 시간내 대화를 놓칠경우 다시는 못한다는듯)
- Added daily routine for llama. Will add more behaviors for monsters.
: 라마의 일상 추가
- Added a naming function in the storage box interface that allows players to edit the name of the storage box.
: 보관함 열어보는중에도 이름 수정이 가능하도록 추가
- Added a setting to turn the voice acting on or off. If you turn this off, a typewriter sound will play instead of the voice acting.
: 음성 온/오프 설정기능 추가 (오프시 음성 대신 타이핑 사운드가?)
- Adjustment on the missions:
- Adjusted the upgrade time for the level 2 Relic Scanner. It can only be upgraded after Ack has been fixed.
: 2레벨 유물 스캐너 업그레이드가 아크 수리 이후부터 가능하도록 재조정
- Adjusted the expiration time for building the Portia bridge. Changed to 7 days.
: 포샤 다리 건설이 7일 이내에 만료되도록 재조정
- Adjusted the issue affecting the description of the Portia bridge mission being different than the mission itself.
: 포샤 다리 건설 미션에 대한 설명이 잘못되었던 부분 재조정
- Adjusted the regular meeting time of Ack and Mint.
: 아크와 민트의 정기모임 시간 재조정
- Adjusted the mission release time of building the musuem.
: 박물관 건설 미션의 활성화 시기 재조정
- Adjusted the reminder time for the mission to fix a pipe. The player will received a reminder before the mission.
: 파이프 수리(학교?) 미션 알림 시기 재조정 (해당 미션 시작전에 알림을 받을거라는듯)
- Cancelled the time limit for missions relating to the Farm Tree and the lift.
: 나무 농장 복구 및 바사니오 승강기 복구 미션의 제한시간이 사라졌다는듯
- Adjusted the required item number from 20 to 10, in the mission Umbrellas Are Important.
: 우산의 중요성 미션에서 필요재료(가시를 말하는듯) 개수가 20개에서 10개로 재조정
- Adjusted the rewards for missions.
: 미션들의 보상 재조정
- Adjusted the difficulty and the required completion time to the South Block mission.
: 남부 지역 개발 미션의 제한시간 및 난이도 재조정
- Adjusted the material consumption of the mission The Desert Wind.
: 사막 바람(풍력 발전기인가?) 미션에 필요한 재료 수 재조정
- Adjusted the trigger time of the harbor construction and shortened the required time for completing them.
: 항구 건설 미션 활성화 시기 수정 및 완공 소요 시간 단축
- Optimized the operation of controllers and updated the guidance.
- Optimised the playing experience in the side quests of Gust, Mint, Emily, and Arlo.
- Optimized the texure of the ground in town.
- Optimized the pathfinding of NPC when they're outside of the town.
- Optimized the pathfinding of NPC in town.
- Optimized the events for the wedding day. There will not be any other arrangements on the wedding day.
- Adjusted the relationship points decrease when you break up or get divorced.
The relationship level will go down to stranger if you get divorced and down to friend if you end a romantic relationship.
: 이별 및 이혼시 감소되는 관계 수치 재조정 (이혼시 아는 사이가 되고 이별시 친구가 된다?)
- Changed the payment method to the Tree Farm and Mining company to a monthly payment. Optimized the UI.
: 나무 농장 및 광산의 배달비용 결제가 월정액으로 변경
- Adjusted NPCs' favourite items.
: 캐릭터들의 소망 아이템 재조정
- Adjusted the distribution of monsters.
: 몬스터들의 분포 재조정
- Adjusted the attribution of All Source.
: All Source의 속성(?) 재조정
- NPC will not hold an umbrella when taking a group photo.
: 그룹 사진 촬영시 캐릭터들은 우산을 들고있지않게됨
- Adjusted the gifts and the gifts in the wishlist.
: 선물과 소망 아이템 선물 재조정(뭔소리야?)
- Adjusted the icon above NPC's head. When an NPC is in the middle of a mission, the mission mark will not show above NPC's head.
: 캐릭터 머리 위에 표시되는 아이콘 재조정 (미션 진행중일땐 표시되지 않도록?)
- Adjusted the loading picture when getting into the sewage plant dungeon and desert dungeon.
: 하수처리장 및 잉갈스 광산 입장시 로딩화면 이미지 재조정
- Adjusted the attribution of several necessaries.
: 여러 장신구의 속성 재조정
- Adjusted the appearance of several items.
: 여러 아이템의 외형 재조정
- Adjusted the sell condition of several main story related items. Adjusted the number and type of items for sale.
: 메인 스토리 관련 아이템들에 대한 판매량 재조정
- Adjusted the drop rate and the reward rate of several items, and lowered the difficulty of obtaining them.
: 여러 아이템들에 대한 드롭 확률과 보상 재조정 (더 얻기 쉬워졌다는듯)
- Adjusted lip colour. Players will need to visit the barber shop to change the colour.
: 산와의 이발소에서 변경 가능한 입술 색상 재조정
- Adjusted the way to dye furniture. The player will need to have pigments in hand to change colour.
: 가구 염색 방법 재조정 (염색시 손에 안료를 들고 있어야함)
- Adjusted four seasons images used on the main menu.
: 메인 메뉴에 사용되는 사계절 이미지 재조정
- Adjusted the minimum value of the favor point from 0 to -50.
: 관계도의 최저값을 0에서 -50으로 재조정
- Adjusted the buff effect from eating hot pot during Winter Solstice.
: 동지 축제의 핫팟 버프 효과 재조정
- Adjusted the maximum value of the favor point between you and your spouse from 1000 to 1200.
The other NPCs maximum value of favor points remains at 1000.
: 배우자와의 관계도 최대값을 1,000에서 1,200으로 재조정 (배우자 이외에는 1,000 그대로)
- Adjusted the length of the Autumn Festival music. It will last throughout the whole day.
: 가을 축제의 배경음이 하루종일 재생되도록 재조정
- NPCs in the house will not say goodbye.
: 집 안의 캐릭터와는 작별 인사를 하지않습니다
- Adjusted the number of monsters in several rooms inside the hazardous dungeon.
: 위험한 폐허 내 여러 방들의 몬스터 스폰 수 재조정
- Adjusted the volume of several sound effects.
: 여러 효과음들의 볼륨 재조정
- Adjusted the position of Sophie. She will stand by Emily's stand during Winter Solstice.
: 동지 축제 기간동안 소피가 에밀리의 가판대 옆에 서도록 재조정
- Adjusted the animation when players fall off the swing
: 그네에서 떨어질때의 애니메이션 재조정
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the animation bug when Paulie has dinner in the restaurant.
- Fixed the bug that players cannot interact with NPCs on the first day of the Portia Land Run.
- Fixed the bug causing an error with the players name after the Martial Arts Tournament.
- Fixed the issue of NPCs fighting each other. This update will fix the issue for all save files.
- Fixed the issue where the advanced factory is in the wrong place. The player will need to move the factory in A&G Construction.
- Fixed the issue that rooms in the hazardous dungeon do not match the mark on the map.
- Fixed the issue that Ten and Ryder can be passed through after the cutscene.
- Fixed the bug that the elevator inside WOW Industries can push players away.
- Fixed the bug that when players get out of the school and the museum, they might fly to the sky.
- Fixed the wrong item in Arlo's wishlist.
- Fixed the wrong animation when Paulie is having food during the Autumn Festival.
- Fixed the bug that caused the special effect of throwing a snowball to be missing.
- Fixed the bug causing the incorrect weather icon to be shown in the relationship interface.
- Fixed the bug causing an error with the time shown after the Martial Arts Tournament.
- After the Portia Land Run, players will be pulled out of the racing track since the competition is over.
- Fixed the bug where players might disappear when loading the Portia Land Run.
- Fixed the bug causing an NPC to leave the sparring area when the player is sparring with them.
- Fixed the bug causing NPCs to have an issue getting on the stage at the Martial Arts Tournament.
- Fixed the bug that when NPCs are beaten in the snowball fight, they might still have points.
- Fixed the tips relating to seasons changing displaying in the incorrect language after changing the game language.
- Fixed the issue that players will hear the fighting music even they are not around the Martial Arts Tournament's stage.
- Fixed the bug where players may not get the camera mission if they craft the camera beforehand.
- Fixed the conversation error with Django in the mission Russo's New Recipe
- Fixed the bug where Higgins will not help to repair the res of the dee dee stops once the player has repaired the first one.
- Fixed the description error of targets in the mission The Crashed Station.
- Fixed the description error of targets in the mission Time to get Serious
- Fixed the bug after the mission The First Key where players cannot interact with Ten.
- Fixed the bug preventing NPCs from hitting monsters.
- Fixed the movement issue when holding an item with two hands.
- Fixed the bug causing the player to fall through the floor in several rooms in the hazardous dungeon.
- Fixed the bug that the relic scanner can detect the items behind the camera.
My Time at Portia - Launch Update Hot Fix 1
Hello there!
We've fixed a crash that was occurring when you first load into the game. This crash related to the .net framework 3.5.
If you still have this crash after your game patches, then please verify the integrity of the game files in your Steam library.
We've also fixed a few other small issues. You can see the full changelist for this patch below:
- Fixed the bug where the "show accessory" checkbox in the settings cannot be selected.
- Fixed the crash after fighting against the rogue knight.
- Fixed the potential crash in the factory.
- Fixed the bug preventing the power bar of robopig rider from updating.
- Fixed the bug that when you change the colour of the storage box, the colour will remain the same.
- Fixed the bug affecting players getting rewards from Alice's mission.
- Fixed the bug that the 'Artisan' skill will decrease the material consumption for all machines.
Consumption should only decrease when using the worktable.
- Fixed the crash when loading the save after the Ack’s family station mission.
- Fixed the bug in the clothing attributes.
- Fixed the bug preventing clothes from being placed in cabinet.
If you encounter any issues, or think you have found a bug, then please let us know in the Report a Problem forum here on Steam.
My Time at Portia v1.0 - Hotfix 2
We’re hope you’re enjoying My Time At Portia!
We have just released a small patch to fix a few issues. Please see the changelist below.
- Fixed the bug affecting the level of the factory after replacing the missing factory.
After this patch, players will need to move the factory at A&G construction company to correct the level.
- Fixed the potential crash after interacting with Rogue Knight.
- Fixed the time freezing bug when finishing the mission of My Eviction from Portia 2 when you have Arlo as a companion.
- Fixed the bug causing Arlo to continue following players even after he has finished his mission.
- Fixed the bug causing the production process screen to not appear when using the factory.
- Fixed the crash when on the swing.
- Fixed the bug that the power bar of the robopig rider will not update.
- Fixed the bug that in the roping game, players can continue playing the game even when they do not have enough stamina.
- Fixed the conflict issues between an NPC's date schedule and an NPC's mission responsibility.
- Fixed the bug where Penny will fight against monsters.
My Time at Portia v1.0 - Hotfix 3
We’ve just released a small patch to address some issues found in the game.
Please see the full changelist below.
- Added a diagram for the Triple Barrel Snakebite at Total Tools
(the item has been deleted from the worktable and players can buy it after fixing the lift).
: 도구상점에 Triple Barrel Snakebite 도면 추가
(바사니오 승강기 복구 후 제작이 가능하며 그 이전에 습득했다면 삭제 처리)
- Added a function to allow items to be used on the assembly machine, direct from the warehouse.
: 창고(공장을 말하는건가?)에서도 조립 기계를 사용이 가능하도록 기능 추가
- Fixed the bug causing the storage box UI to freeze.
- Fixed the bug causing the house to disappear when it does not have the default appearance,
when the player moves it in A&G Construction, and when the it has the default level 4 appearance (blue & white).
- Fixed the crash when the player presses ‘ESC’ while fishing.
- Fixed the bug affecting the Chicken Run mission, where players would not receive any eggs.
- Fixed the bug preventing the Photos of Portia mission from being completed.
- Fixed the bug where the system language will not be detected when you first install the game and so the game language may be different.
- Fixed the bug that in the Crash Station mission, players cannot find Ack.
- Fixed the bug where the interaction bubble might be scaled down while fishing.
- Fixed the bug from preventing the player from customising the baby’s name.
- Fixed the bug causing the maximum number for the recycle machine and repair machine to be incorrect.
- Fixed the bug that when getting down from a mount, players will automatically be distanced from it.
- Fixed the bug that when getting down from the mount in the sky, the mount might freeze in the sky.
Please continue to post any bugs you find or issues you encounter in the Report a Problem forum.
My Time at Portia v1.0 - Hotfix 4
We've fixed a lot of issues based on the bug reports we've received from our players - including the bug preventing you from getting any missions relating to the tree farm.
We really appreciate our players letting us know when they encounter issues, so we can get them fixed quickly! Please continue to report any bugs, issues or crashes in the Report a Problem forum.
- Fixed the bug causing no rewards to be given when you have collected all the king fish.
- Research notes can be sold in game.
: 연구 노트 판매가 가능해짐
- Fixed the bug preventing players from receiving missions for the tree farm.
- Fixed the bug that missions after the Portia Bridge mission cannot be triggered.
- Fixed the bug affecting the amount of materials needed for A&G Construction services.
- Adjusted the time limit for the mission 'The Builder Bout'.
If yours has expired, you will just need to reload the save and the mission will continue.
: The Builder Bout 미션의 제한시간 재조정 (기간만료될 경우 세이브 로드시 계속 진행됨)
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공략글이 마음에 드셨다면 아래 ♡공감 버튼을 눌러주세요.
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